RideShare Advocate FAQs
What is Rideshare Advocate Group?
RideShare Advocate Group is a company that focus on the Passenger’s Safety, educations, information and news. RideShare Advocate Group wants to ensure that passengers are well-informed, knowledgeable, and treated respectfully while understanding their rights as a RideShare passenger.
We want to formulate various partnerships within the Ride-Share community to help drive regulations and the much needed changes in this unregulated industry.
Are there really safety concerns with the Rideshare communities?
Yes, I am sure that you have heard of the many terrible stories about passengers being verbally and physically assaulted.
There have also been more than a dozen allegations of sexual assault, and groping, kidnapping, and physical assaults, according to several media stories.
Will I be a Safe Rideshare passenger after the session?
No, but we can say that it will help educate and prepared you for your next rides with Uber, Lyft, Via Etc.. We will also help provide steps for handling uncomfortable situations, unprofessional drivers, unruly passengers, scary rides, injuries, and when needed, how to get legal assistances.
Why should I be concerned about the Rideshare industry?
- Stats shows a reduction with drunk driving fatalities in the city since rideshare providers has entered their market.
- Increase in city businesses revenue (People are coming out)
- State auto emission reduction, that is equal to less pollution.
- Because Rideshare industry is here to stay, and because it helps reduce traffic. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj9zbH3mP3VAhUB6oMKHQsrBIYQFgg5MAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mercurynews.com%2F2017%2F01%2F03%2Fstudy-uber-lyft-carpool-services-could-reduce-traffic-by-75-percent%2F&usg=AFQjCNFgdi4O-JHlvbEynavB86vEbitSJw
Are the sessions only for a certain group of people?
No, our safety and education sessions covers all demographic. Our overall goal and belief is that a educated passenger is a much safe passenger.
What services do you offer?
- Group safety sessions/discussions
- Consulting services (Setting up drop-off secured location for college, campus safety tips)
- Being a advocate for changes in RideShare Communities
Do you give Legal counseling?
No! But we have formed relationships with lawyers who specialize in Rideshare laws and we can assist you with contacting them.
How do I Contact someone if I want to have a Rideshare Safety Consultant come in and talk with us?
Contact us at www.RideshareAdvocate.com
Rideshare Advocate Group
2215 So Wolf Road Ste.192
Hillside Il, 60162 Phone 312.337.3423
What is the cost per sessions?
The 2-hour session is $275.00 for a group of between 10-20 people.
What do I need to bring to this session?
Just your willingness to learn, questions, open mind’s, paper and pen to write with.
Are you located in other states?
We are considering doing this in other states, but currently we are only providing this service in Illinois and Indiana.
What are some of your Advocate plans going forward?
- Work with local leaders on putting strong regulations in place to benefit the Rideshare communities.
- 6-month background check (every 6 months) on all Rideshare drivers.
- Fingerprint background check and Pre-employment drug testing of all drivers
- All rideshare car must have duel mountable cameras in vehicles while their apps are on
- Optional for small contained pets to be allowed to ride with passengers (for small added charge).
- A live support number for passengers to report emergency.
- Release Monthly reports on passengers’ incidents by city and state.
Do you have a Website and Social Media presents?
Facebook: http://fb.me/RideShareAdvocate
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RideshareAdvoc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rideshareadvocate/
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/ridesharerobby
RideShare Robby: https://www.RideShareRobby.com
How do I get news updates of what’s happening with the Rideshare industry?
- You can visit our website at www.RideShareAdvocate.com
- Sign up for getting our monthly newsletters
- Listen to our PodCast https://anchor.fm/ridesharerobby
- Join us via our Social Media platform for comments, suggestions or to upload photos
Is RideShare Advocate Group a 501C3 with the state of Illinois?
Paperwork has been file for permission to become a Non-For-Profit Organization.